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First Baptist Church-2nd & Walnut St.
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The purpose of the First Baptist Church is to exalt Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.


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200 W Walnut St; P.O. Box 322

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On to Rome, by Way of Storm By Julius Medenblik — Friday, June 28, 2019 Scripture Reading: Acts 27 “Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar; and God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you.” Acts 27:24 My first name is Julius. In our Bible reading today, we are introduced to a centurion named Julius who is in charge of soldiers and the prisoner Paul. Parts of this story make me glad to have the same name as this centurion. Julius is often kind to Paul. But then there is the part where Julius does not follow Paul’s advice to stop sailing before the winter storm season. A gentle south wind taking them out of Fair Havens soon becomes a hurricane. Day after day the storm wears on. After two weeks, as they approach land, some of the sailors try to escape. When the ship runs aground, the soldiers plan to kill the prisoners to keep any from escaping, but the centurion stops them, and eventually everyone safely reaches the shore. In this world we often focus on some goal or agenda and pay little attention to the people around us. We excuse our self-focused behavior by aiming to get where we are going as fast as we can. Paul knows he has to reach Rome, so he is focused on his destination, but he is also aware of the people with him on the trip. Following Jesus’ example, Paul cares for each one. He encourages everyone to eat, and he leads them in prayer, giving thanks to God. With God working in and through him, Paul is not distracted from witnessing for Jesus along the way. Dear God, amid the hurry and storms of life, help us to be in step with you always. Wherever we may go, help us to love others along the way. In Jesus, Amen.


June 28, 2019 The Foundation of Faith 1 Corinthians 3:9-20 At salvation, everything we’ve built our life upon comes crashing down and is removed like rubble from a vacant lot. Then a new foundation is laid in Christ, and we begin building upon it day by day with our deeds and motives. As with any building project, we have a choice about which materials to use. They may all look good on the surface, but the real test of their quality will be revealed when we stand before Christ to be “recompensed for [our] deeds in the body, according to what [we have] done, whether good or bad” (2 Corinthians 5:10). Therefore, we should carefully consider what we are using as building materials. The world offers us many philosophies from which to choose. We are told that we can mix a little worldly wisdom with a bit of Scripture and create a suitable Christian life. But Paul warns that if anyone thinks he is wise in this age, he is a fool. God will destroy everything we use that is derived from the world rather than from the truth of His Word. Building a solid house of faith on the foundation of Christ is a lifelong process. Through prayer and meditation on Scripture, we learn to know and love our heavenly Father and understand what pleases Him. As He transforms our life through His Spirit, our actions and attitudes become increasingly obedient and godly. With so much at stake, our goal should be to establish our life on the foundation of Christ, with righteous actions and attitudes empowered by the Holy Spirit. Such a faith house will stand firm in this life and be worthy of reward in the next. Bible in One Year: Psalm 90-94


Living Light Daily Devotional Willing to Risk By Touching Lives on Jun 28, 2019 “Jesus said, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in Me will live, even though they die.’” John 11:25 When God removes the eternal risk of punishment for our sin, He calls us to a life of temporary risk now. As Christ followers, the final risk of hell and separation from God has been taken away forever. Nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ (Romans 8:39). When the threat of death is no longer a horrific ending but a whole new beginning, the final barrier to full surrender is torn down. There is no greater hope than this, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. With His promises of everlasting joy, Jesus unleashed an army of risk-takers…disciples who are willing to pray for their persecutors, love their enemies, and serve the least. He initiated a movement of grace that is so powerful it will never be stopped. In fact, the Church has proven to flourish when persecuted. Christ calls us to make disciples of all nations. This includes dictatorships and war zones, hostile and dangerous countries. His call involves risk. It was risky for His followers 2,000 years ago; and it is risky today. This calling is contradictory to how most of us try to live. We tend to work to maximize comfort and security now, with little thought of heaven – except that we will get in. We follow, however, a long line of biblical risk-takers – men and women who were willing to risk it all for the cause of Christ. Esther broke the law to save her people. Daniel prayed despite the threat of punishment. Paul continued to preach the Gospel in prison. The list goes on and on. This is our legacy, our example to follow. Were these people perfect? No, but they were willing. In A History of Christian Missions, Stephen Neil said about early believers, “Every Christian knew that sooner or later he might have to testify to his faith at the cost of his life.” Risk was normal. It was expected. And yet, thousands did it. Why? Because they believed that if they lost their life for Christ’s sake, they would truly find it (Matthew 16:25). Do you believe that to die is gain? Do you believe that losing your life means really finding it? Are you storing up treasures in heaven or on earth? In the United States and around the world, the cost of following Christ will continue to rise. Are you ready to risk it all? Dear Father, Give me the boldness and confidence to risk everything for Your kingdom and Your purposes. Help me to remember that for me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Our Daily Bread June 28, 2019 Bible in a Year: Job 11-13; Acts 9:1-21 Divine Diversions They tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to. Acts 16:7 READ ACTS 16:6–10 It can be difficult when we’re told “no” or “not now,” especially when we sense God has opened a door for us to serve others. Early in my ministry, two opportunities came my way where I thought my gifts and skills matched the churches’ needs, but both doors eventually closed. After these two disappointments, another position came along, and I was selected. With that ministry call came thirteen years of life-touching pastoral labors. Twice in Acts 16 Paul and company were redirected by God. First, they were “kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia” (v. 6). Then, “When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to” (v. 7). Unknown to them, God had other plans that would be right for His work and workers. His no to the previous plans put them in a position to listen to and be confidently led by Him (vv. 9-10). Who among us hasn’t grieved what we initially thought to be a painful loss? We’ve felt wounded when we didn’t get a certain job, when a service opportunity didn’t materialize, when a relocation got derailed. Though such things can momentarily be weighty, time often reveals that such detours are actually divine diversions that God graciously uses to get us where He wants us, and we are grateful. By Arthur Jackson REFLECT & PRAY Father, I praise You that in Your wisdom You know how to best arrange my life. Thank You for protecting me through Your detours. What loss have you grieved only to be grateful that what you desired you didn’t get? How did the situation serve to bolster your trust in the Lord? SCRIPTURE INSIGHT On his second missionary journey (Acts 16:1-18:22), Paul wanted to preach the gospel in the provinces of Asia Minor (modern-day western Turkey) and Bithynia (modern-day northern Turkey); however, God redirected Paul northwest to Troas. Through “a vision of a man of Macedonia” God called Paul to bring the gospel into Europe (16:8-9). The identity of the “man of Macedonia” is much debated. Because the pronoun “they” in verse 8 changes to “we” in verse 10, some scholars say this man is Luke himself who has now joined the mission team. Luke, a gentile medical doctor (Colossians 4:14), wrote the gospel of Luke and Acts and became Paul’s traveling companion and co-worker (Acts 16:10-40, 20:4-17, Philemon 1:24). He also took care of Paul during his last days in prison before his death (2 Timothy 4:11). K. T. Sim


Friday, June 28, 2019 The Objective of the Church And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved. —Acts 2:47 In our culture, we tend to think bigger is better, and we apply that thinking to the church as well. We think the bigger the church, the more successful it is. But that isn’t necessarily true. You can have a big church yet not have a strong one, because there are a lot of things people can do to draw a crowd. So it isn’t only about being big; it is about being strong. And it is about being biblical. Then there are those who are critical of large churches. “I hate these megachurches,” they say. “You go in there, and you have to wait for parking.” But let’s think about this for a moment. It would be like saying, “There are two restaurants we can choose from. There is this one restaurant with a line around the block. And there is this other restaurant with no one inside except the employees. Where do you think we should eat?” Did you ever stop and think that maybe there’s a reason one of those restaurants is empty? Maybe the food in the other place is better than the place without any customers. Sometimes a large church or a lot of people can mean there is something they are getting out of it. It can mean they are being fed there. My objective never has been to have a large church; it always has been to have a biblical church and a strong church. We always have felt that we should leave the growth up to God. In and of itself, there is no virtue in being small. Not every church will be a large church, but every church should be a growing church. The objective of the church is to be as faithful as we can be to what God has called us to be. Because on that final day, Jesus won’t say, “Well done, good and successful servant. By the way, how many numbers were you running?” Rather, He’ll say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Share this today: Not every church will be large, but every church should be growing. The-End


Regardless of what goes on in life, one thing you can control is your attitude! Anybody can receive the benefits of the blesssings Jesus pronounced by making an intentional decision to adopt a positive attitude and perspective concerning life's circumstances. It may be easier said than done, but it is possible.


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First Baptist Church Wednesday In The Word Presented By: Dr. Darrick A. Briscoe, D.Min June 26, 2019 Starting Right (Mark 1:1-13) The gospel of Mark is probably the first gospel written. With only sixteen chapters, it is also the shortest and fastest-moving of the four gospels. Matthew records Jesus’ teachings in detail. Luke records His parables, and John writes about His indescribable love. However, since he is writing primarily to the Romans, who were impressed with power, Mark describes the incomparable power of Jesus. To experience Jesus’ power, you must start right. This requires at least three actions: investigate baptism, participate in baptism, anticipate temptation. 1. Investigate baptism (1:1-8). 2. Participate in baptism (1:9-11). 3. Anticipate temptation (1:12-13).

FBC-2nd & Walnut St Youth Day 2019 June 23, 2019 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Pastor Briscoe Psalm 23 Series “The Bodyguard” Psalm 23:6

First Baptist Church Wednesday In The Word Presented By Dr. Darrick A. Briscoe, D. Min June 18, 2019 Essentials for Living the Christian (Hebrews 13:1-9

FBC-2nd & Walnut St Happy Father’s Day June 16, 2019 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Pastor Darrick Briscoe Psalm 23 Series “A Table In The Presence Of My Enemies” Psalm 23:5

FBC-2nd & Walnut St June 9, 2019 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Pastor Briscoe Psalm 23 Series “God Is With Me” Psalm 24:4

First Baptist Church Wednesday In The Word Presented By: Dr. Darrick A. Briscoe, D.Min June 5, 2019 Finishing the Race with Grace (Hebrews 12:12-17) In Hebrews twelve, the Christian life is compared to a relay race that lasts a lifetime. In this “race” we are called upon to continue in it even when we are tired and discouraged. We are also to keep others in the race and not allow them to falter. Finishing the race with grace requires doing four things ... 1. Encourage Everyone (12:12-13) 2. Try to Get Along with Everyone (12:14) 3. Don’t Be Bitter Toward Anyone (12:15) 4. Don’t Give Up God’s Blessing for Anything (12:16-17)

Men’s Day Sunday, June 2, 2019 Afternoon Service Theme: “Men Being Champions For Christ The Race Is Not to the Swift or the Strong, But Him Who Endures till the End! Scripture: Ecclesiastes 9:11 Today, Sunday, June 2, 2019-Men’s Day Theme: “Men Being Champions for Christ” “The Race is not to the Swift or the Strong but Him Who Endures till the End” Ecclesiastes 9:11 Guests for the 3:00pm Service is Rev. Dr. Bishop Carter & Congregation of Bethsaida Baptist Church Lexington, KY. Dr. Bishop Carter “Men Need To Be Strong” Deuteronomy 31:1-8

Men’s Day Sunday, June 2, 2019 Theme: “Men Being Champions For Christ The Race Is Not to the Swift or the Strong, But Him Who Endures till the End! Scripture: Ecclesiastes 9:11 ———————————— Rev. Darrick Briscoe Psalm 23 Series Psalm 23:3 “He Restores My Soul”

First Baptist Church Wednesday In The Word Presented By: Dr. Darrick A. Briscoe, D.Min May 29, 2019 Preventing a Faltering Faith (Hebrews 12:1-11) We live in a world that is increasingly hostile to the Christian faith. Trying to remain faithful in this environment can cause any believer’s faith to falter. In this passage, the writer of Hebrews reveals two actions that prevent a faltering faith. First, Run God’s Race Patiently (12:1-4) 1. 2. 3. Second, Respond to God’s Discipline Properly (12:5-11) 1. 2. 3.

FBC-2nd & Walnut St May 26, 2019 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Pastor Briscoe Psalm 23 Series “My Shepherd” Psalm 23:2

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120 South Fourth Street, Danville
Healtheaze Nutrition- Danville
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Americano, Estilo familiar
Guadalajara Danville
917 Houstonville RD, Danville
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140 STANFORD AVE, Danville
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1641 Hustonville Rd, Ste 2, Danville
Applebee's Grill + Bar
300 Skywatch Dr, Danville
1560 Hustonville Rd, #397, Danville
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Danville Bowlarama Lanes and Restaurant
1050 E Lexington Ave, Danville
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975 Hustonville Rd, Danville
Wanda's Kountry Kitchen
4428 Hustonville Road, Danville
Old Bridge Bar & Grille
#1 Old Bridge Rd., Danville
Asiático, Hamburguesa
1560 Houstonville Rd, Danville
Asiático, Bufé, Chino, Sushi
Freddie's Restaurant (Danville, KY)
140 Stanford Ave, Danville
Europeo, Estilo familiar, Italiano
Long John Silvers Seafood
1520 Hustonville Rd, Danville
1601 Hustonville Rd, Danville
Americano, Comida rápida
303 West Bar/Restaurant
303 W Main St, Danville
280 Jane Trl, Danville
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Seelbach Hilton Louisville
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3083 Cedarmore Road, Bagdad
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444 Lewis Hargett Cir, Lexington
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3238 Kidron Valley Way Suite 6, Owensboro
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34 Commerce Dr, Fisherville
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8923 Stone Green Way, Suite 100, Louisville
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2839 New Hartford Rd, Owensboro
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502 Saffell St, Lawrenceburg
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13115 Aiken Road, Louisville
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12906 Shelbyville Road, Louisville
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9911 Shelbyville Rd, Louisville
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1004 Jamestown St, Columbia
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2357 Huguenard Dr, Lexington
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10 Kyles Ln, Ste 200, Covington
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400 East Vine Street, Lexington
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3803 Brownsboro Rd, Louisville
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Gentry Holdings Real Estate with Keller Williams Greater Lexington
2700 Old Rosebud Rd, # 250, Lexington
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334 Beechwood Rd Ste 200, Ft Mitchell
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123 West 4th St Suite 301, Owensboro
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Greater Louisville Realtors
6300 Dutchmans Pkwy, Louisville
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711 South 4th Street Suite 3, Danville
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8103 Connector Dr., Danville
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Hair Masters full service salon
1000 East Lexington Avenue Suite 24, Danville
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228 Jane Trl, Danville
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100 Fox Harbor Dr, Danville
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101 Ponder Ct, Ste B, Danville
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The Shop
108 N 2nd St, Danville
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1475 Shakertown Rd, Danville
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Studio 7 Salon
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1416 Hustonville Rd, Danville
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106 Ponder Ct, Danville
Hair Express
1000 E Lexington Ave, Ste 5, Danville
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Tammie coulter
1033 regency rd, Danville
Southern Roots
218 West Broadway, Danville
Bluegrass Barber Shop
380 Whirlaway Dr, Danville
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Envy. The Salon
319 West Main Street Suite 5, Danville
Isabelles Hair & Wigs
905 Hustonville Rd, Danville
Third & Mane
109 N. Third St, Danville
Kristen Carrier - Salon on 4th
460 S 4th St, Danville